Selected Presentations

Mathematical modeling and biochemical analysis support partially ordered CaM-MLCK binding

Cell Bio 2022 — ASCB|EMBO

December 2022

I was thrilled to present a microsymposium at ASCB’s annual meeting about the binding of calcium-dependent binding of calmodulin and myosin light-chain kinase. This talk largely served to promote my poster presentation — I discussed the three proposed mathematical models of calcium-dependent CaM-MLCK binding and explained the FRET reporter (FR) system we utilized to test these models. We determined that CaM-MLCK binding is likely partially ordered.

Presenting a lightning talk at the Seattle Cell Science Symposium 2018 — Allen Institute

EMRE Dependence of the Metazoan Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter

Seattle Cell Science Symposium 2018

December 2018

I was excited to present a lightning talk promoting my poster concerning the EMRE dependence of the metazoan mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU). During the talk, I explained that the metazoan uniporter (MCU) depends on the protein EMRE for calcium conductance. To determine why this is, I tested the capacity of different MCU chimeras composed of human and Dictyostelium discoideum MCU domains. Ultimately we identified a short amino acid sequence in human MCU that makes the protein EMRE-dependent.


Selected Posters

Mathematical modeling and biochemical analysis support partially ordered CaM-MLCK binding

Cell Bio 2022 — ASCB|EMBO

December 2022

My poster at Cell Bio 2022 — ASCB|EMBO. A link to a PDF of the poster can be found here.

Presenting my poster at the 2019 NHLBI Mitochondrial Biology Symposium on Mitochondrial Networks and Energetics. Visiting the NIH was so much fun! It’s like visiting the brain of modern biomedical research.

EMRE Dependence in the Metazoan Mitochondrial Uniporter

NHLBI Mitochondrial Biology Symposium on Mitochondrial Networks and Energetics.

September 2019

I had a great time presenting my poster at the 2019 NHLBI Mitochondrial Biology Symposium on Mitochondrial Networks and Energetics. Visiting the NIH was so much fun! It’s like visiting the brain of modern biomedical research. Link to Poster


EMRE Dependence in the Metazoan Mitochondrial Uniporter

Fred Hutch Metabolism Retreat

May 2019


EMRE Dependence in the Metazoan Mitochondrial Uniporter

ASCB | EMBO 2018 Meeting

December 2018


EMRE Dependence in the Metazoan Mitochondrial Uniporter

Seattle Cell Science Symposium 2018 — Allen Institute

December 2018